COVID-19 Will Impact the Global Job Market Heavily



April 08, 2020

Andrew Campbell 


The COVID-19 caused the huge and immediate disruption worldwide. The International Labor Organization (ILO), one of the agencies of UN, has been investigating closely the impact of this pandemic.


Globally, around 81% of workplace of 3.3 million people was partially or fully closed. ILO stated that this is the worst situation since World War II.


The direct general of ILO, Guy Ryder, said that both developed and developing economies, employees and business are talking with the severe situation. He also pointed out that the world economy has to recover as fast as possible and to have the most effective measures to boost the demand for workforce. 


From the sources of ILO, retail, manufacturing, food and accommodation are the high-risk industry suffering the most during this pandemic. 


Guy Ryder take the India lockdown as an example. The economy market of India is now facing the dilemma. The government requires people to stop working and to stay at home to fight against this virus. People still need to feed themselves and their family but they lose the sources of income. This is a huge dilemma. 


The report from ILO did not predict how many people will lose their job for this pandemic. However, the report predicted that there will be more than 25 million people unemployed for this crisis. 


The director of ILO’s employment policy and the report editor, Sangheon Lee, stated that the impact is direct. He claimed that America and Canada would start to have the huge number of job loss. Without more direct and serious policies, the recovery time will be long and painful. 




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