FOWPAL Spreads Love in New York

Photo:Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, delivers a speech on “sustainable development: promoting a culture of peace with love and conscience” at the 10th International Forum on African-Caribbean Leadership (IFAL).


D.R. Congo's Minister of Regional Integration Rings the Bell of World Peace and Love to Amplify the Power of Hope for Peace

October 9, 2024

In celebration of the UN-declared International Day of Peace (September 21), a series of events took place in New York City. Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), who has long been dedicated to promoting conscience, love, and peace, was invited to speak at the 10th International Forum on African-Caribbean Leadership (IFAL) on September 24. His speech, with a focus on “sustainable development: promoting a culture of peace with love and conscience,” resonated with the audience. At noon the same day, Didier Mazenga Mukanzu, Minister of Regional Integration of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to ring the Bell of World Peace and Love. Minister Mukanzu stated that he would join Dr. Hong in the pursuit of global love and peace and signed the Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope.


Photo:Didier Mazenga Mukanzu, Minister of Regional Integration of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, rings the Bell of World Peace and Love, becoming the 583rd bell ringer.


The International Forum on African-Caribbean Leadership (IFAL) is a prominent global platform organized by the African Leadership Magazine (ALM). Its primary goal is to foster leadership exchange and cooperation between Africa and the Caribbean while amplifying the influence of these regions on the world stage. This year’s forum, themed “Multi-stakeholder Partnerships to Drive Transformation Towards Sustainable and Resilient Societies,” brought together leaders from governments, businesses, civil society organizations, academia, and local communities across Africa and the Caribbean. Participants discussed key issues related to economic development, cultural exchange, and education, emphasizing the need for countries to strengthen cooperation, promote social inclusion, and develop innovative strategies to tackle global challenges. These objectives align closely with FOWPAL's principles of sustainable development and equality.


In his address, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze highlighted the unprecedented challenges the world currently faces. He noted that rapid technological advancements, coupled with decisions not guided by conscience, have accelerated the disruption of balance—whether between humans and nature, among individuals, or between nations. Dr. Hong stressed that conscience serves as a guiding force, helping individuals make decisions that harmonize ethics, morality, and the greater good. It not only acts as a personal benchmark but also as a unifying force for society. He emphasized that when people's conscience is awakened, actions naturally follow, a principle central to FOWPAL's message of “Conscience in Action,” which he described as both a call to action and a practical solution to global issues.


Photo:Didier Mazenga Mukanzu, Minister of Regional Integration of D.R. Congo, left, is honored by Dr. Hong after ringing the Bell. Minister Mukanzu expressed gratitude to Dr. Hong and FOWPAL for their efforts in promoting love and peace around the world.


Dr. Hong has always stressed that the healthy development of culture, education, and the economy hinges on conscience. He believes that a good culture is only possible with a good conscience, good education with a good culture, and a good economy with good education. The event's MC noted that Dr. Hong's words served as a reminder that without love and peace, everything is lost. Jason Lu, a FOWPAL delegate, shared that the event organizers treated Dr. Hong with great respect, and the audience listened quietly and attentively throughout his address.


On the same day, during another significant event, Didier Mazenga Mukanzu, Minister of Regional Integration of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was invited to ring the Bell of World Peace and Love, becoming the 583rd bell ringer. Dr. Hong also presented him with the “Key to the Heart,” symbolizing that conscience is the key to success in life and the pathway to a brighter future for the world. As he rang the Bell, Minister Mukanzu declared, “As Minister for Regional Cooperation and Research, I, Didier Mazenga, extend my heartfelt gratitude to this esteemed organization, which tirelessly champions the cause of global peace. In my own journey, the mission to facilitate and restore lasting peace in Chad stands as a testament to this shared vision. May we continue to work together for a world grounded in peace and love.” Following this, Minister Mukanzu signed the Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope.


In 2022, Dr. Hong issued the Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope, designating September 23 as the World Day of the Power of Hope. The declaration calls on global citizens to act with conscience and harness the power of hope for the safety and sustainable development of themselves, others, and the world. It expresses prayers for an end to wars, the conclusion of the pandemic, world peace, and shared prosperity among all living beings, so that the positive energies of the universe may guide the Earth toward a path of sustainable development.



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