New Zealand Changes a Year after Christchurch Mosque Shootings



March 13, 2020

Andrew Campbell 


On March 13, a few days ahead the anniversary of Christchurch Mosque Shootings in New Zealand, people joined together at Horncastle Arena for a Friday prayer service to commemorate the victims and their families. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern also attended the gathering and observed the joint Juma service.


It was the most tragic and darkest moment marked in New Zealand’s history while a gunman killed 51 and injured dozens of innocent people at 2 separate mosques, Masjid An-Nur and Linwood Islamic Center, on March 15, 2019.


Some of the injured in the attacks will take a long time to heal and recover and those 51 dead are never able to live with their families. However, Prime Minister Ardern spoke at a press conference that New Zealanders have been fundamentally changed for the better after the shootings. She affirmed to ensure everyday actions to deal with bullying, harassment, racism, and discrimination.




Global People Daily News