In 2023, the world faces a tumultuous year marked by various global challenges, including the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the generative AI revolution, the Hawaiian fires, forest damage in Canada, and earthquakes in Turkey and Morocco. Amid these trials, people and societies worldwide will need to showcase extraordinary strength and resilience to overcome the adversities. The Global People Daily News, an independent international news media outlet, presents a special online program titled "Praying for a Brighter Future." This initiative invites friends from across the globe to reflect on the experiences of the past year and unite in embracing a hopeful future as the year comes to a close.
Michelle Stevenson, an American clinical hypnotherapist, mindfulness fitness instructor, and advocate for rape crisis and domestic violence, has recently concluded a two-year spiritual psychology program. Passionate about assisting individuals in embracing their authentic selves, Michelle finds fulfillment in her work.
Expressing gratitude for the people and experiences in her life daily, Michelle envisions 2024 as an opportunity to become the best version of herself. She aspires to surpass her previous achievements and strives to make the coming year her most fulfilling and transformative yet.
Hank Chiu, the founder of American New Ventures, expresses gratitude for the valuable experiences of the past year, prompting a heightened emphasis on decisions that prioritize both his physical and mental well-being. With a positive outlook towards 2024, Hank envisions a more meaningful life, characterized by intentional pursuits of his goals and a conscious embrace of the fulfilling life he desires.
John Selfridge, a retired electronics technician from the U.S., attests to the significant health benefits he has experienced through Qigong. His son, Michael Selfridge, a U.S. real estate appraiser, expresses gratitude to his father, John, for imparting valuable lessons on responsibility, maintaining composure, and navigating challenges with resilience. Acknowledging the profound impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on global markets and the environment, Michael advocates for unity and cooperation among people to seek peaceful resolutions to issues such as famine, war, violence, and economic stress.
Jacqueline Tringov, an American music teacher, aspires to serve as a positive role model for children. She aims to encourage them to believe in themselves, participate in creative endeavors and community activities, and share their music and feelings with the world.
American music producer William Mickey Stevenson has embarked on a new learning experience in 2023. Studying with a Qigong master has been not only inspiring but also beneficial for his physical and mental health. He expresses his hope that in the future, more people will become aware of the inspiration and benefits that Qigong can bring.
Tim Fergason, a retired U.S. family physician with a seven-year career, faced challenges like polio, dyslexia, and attention deficit disorder since the age of four, struggles he had to overcome and still contends with. Reflecting on his journey, he expresses gratitude to God for being a constant presence through life's difficulties. In 2023, he relocated to Lewiston, Montana, to live with his daughter's family of four, finding immense joy in being reunited with his family and witnessing their growth and learning.
Clara Hawkin, overseeing the management of 66 schools globally, engaged in a recent discussion with elementary school teachers in Milan. The conversation centered on the influence of AI technology on children and the potential consequences of their prolonged navigation between the virtual and real worlds on consciousness and cognitive development. Reflecting on the future, questions arose about the type of individuals these children might evolve into. The consensus was to integrate conscience development into AI literacy programs, aiming to guide students toward a balanced understanding of reality, preventing them from becoming lost in the virtual world. The ultimate goal is to foster an environment of love and peace.
Apoorvi, a student from India, underscored the vital importance of mutual understanding and tolerance among different religions. She emphasized that the most significant endeavor for a human being is to become a true and compassionate individual.