Record-high Heat Wave Passing over Europe


June 25, 2019

Andrew Campbell 


A record-breaking heat wave is passing over Europe continent. Experts indicate that temperatures in most of European countries likely reach 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit (35 to 40 degrees Celsius). Some countries may come to all-time records. It’s hard to say when the heat wave will end, probably last until the end of month and early July.  


June in Europe was mild and comfort; the nice weather made the beginning of summer pleasant. Now the heat wave makes people unsuitable and temperatures are dramatically high. Experts predict hot wind will be dragged from northern Africa throughout Europe by a storm stalling over the Atlantic, so that high pressure is across central and eastern Europe.   


The heat wave in early summer is very dangerous and may cause death when people are not adjusted to the higher temperatures. Heat waves are silent killers for those who have no facilities to cool themselves down or senior citizens who are weak to heat.  “As you know, at times like these, sick people, pregnant women, infants and elderly people are the most vulnerable,” said French president Emmanuel Macron.





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