October 09, 2020
Anna Murray
According to the latest survey published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and NetComm Suisse eCommerce Association, revealed more than 3,700 consumers in rising and developed economies have postponed big expenditures. As average monthly online spending since COVID-19, the survey indicated worldwide spending on home furniture and household products has declined by 53%, tourism/travel by a stunning 75%.
The UNCTAD survey is the first-ever study joint with Netcomm Suisse eCommerce Association, in collaboration with the Brazilian Network Information Center and Turkish digital commerce firm Inveon.
Online services from 9 countries had been conducted, including Brazil, China, Germany, Italy, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, South Africa, Switzerland, and Turkey.
The UNCTAD studied how the coronavirus crisis has impacted the way people around the world favor e-commerce and other digital tools in shopping online more frequently. Meanwhile, UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi stated October 8 that the COVID-19 pandemic leading to changes we make now will have enduring effects as the global economy commences to recover. Kituyi described our communities have been fast transformed into a more digital world. The COVID-19 pandemic definitely has changed the way consumers worldwide shop online forever.