20 Dec 2018
Slowing economy, low wages and long working hours have become typical impression of Taiwan. However, the tax collections repeatedly exceed the budget. Local companies are dying and foreign companies are leaving. Birth rate is the lowest in the world and human capital outflow is among the highest. On December 19 people marched on the street screaming “No Authoritarian, Need Survival”. The youth performed short drama to deliver the urgency for reform revealing the ugly truth of deteriorating tax collection practices, violating human rights and bullying taxpayers. Hundreds of people formed the sign of 1996, fake, greed and 1219 in expectation of fighting for taxpayer’s justice.
The yellow jacket movement has stirred huge waves of calling for reforms in Taiwan. Civilians have long been oppressed by the law and tax system. Business communities accused tax agents of slowing business innovation with tax disincentive. To appeal to a tax decision by the authority, a taxpayer has to pay half the amount of tax bills. More than 9,000 explanatory notes expand the discretionary authority of tax agents without limit. Taxpayer’s rights to property, fair trial and survival have been jeopardized. Taxpayers are at the mercy of tax authority which violates the rule of law, due process, principle of evidence and tax doctrine. There is no effective remedy and correctional mechanism within the system.
Retired professor from National Taiwan University, Chen Chi-Long pointed the movement is against political purge with means of law and tax. He indicated that after the first presidential election in 1996, the government turned to political purge with judicial and tax system and secret services. Tai Ji Men was innocently caught in the purge. Associate professor from 真理大學, Wu Ching-Chin said the Tai Ji Men case is a mirror reflecting the flaws in the judicial system. It is expected the case will lead to the overhaul of the system to benefit all taxpayers.
Taiwan yellow jacket movement call for transitional justice and reversal of wrongful tax cases. Three movement agendas are setting up reversal committee for 1219, convening state conference for tax reforms and stopping black box tax collections and ending illegitimate tax demands.
P1 “No Authoritarian, Need Survival” People marched on the street calling for transitional justice and reversal of wrongful tax cases.
P2 Hundreds of people formed the sign of 1219 in expectation of fighting for taxpayer’s justice.