WWF Statement on FAO’s Global Forest Resources Assessment

September 07, 2015

In response to today’s release of FAO’s Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA2015), World Wildlife Fund (WWF) issued the following statement from Kerry Cesareo, Senior Director of Forests:

“Fundamental changes in how we think about forests are needed. And they are needed in the next few years. Not 15 years. Not 20 years. Otherwise, we will continue to lose forests at a rate of eight football fields every 10 seconds. FRA2015 confirms the huge loss of tropical forests over the last 25 year and underscores the need for these timely and innovative changes.

"Today’s report also examines the ongoing expansion of plantations -- expansion must be done sustainably, and focused on degraded land if we’re going to help eliminate the pressure to bring natural forests into production and ensure indigenous communities are protected. The good news is that WWF has an ambitious plan that will help halt forest loss and degradation globally. This week at the World Forestry Congress we’ll talk to people from forest countries and consuming countries about how we can work together to bring the plan to life.”
