September 18, 2015
Environment ministers meeting in Brussels today adopted a weak EU negotiating position for global climate talks in Paris in December, said Greenpeace. The EU aims to cut domestic emissions by at least 40% in 2030.
Commenting on the outcome of the meeting, Greenpeace EU energy policy adviser Jiri Jerabek said: “The EU´s position is still far from what is needed to reach an effective global deal. Europe can and should do more to speed-up the energy transition towards a renewable-based system and commit to phase out fossil fuels at home. In Paris, the EU should present a united front to support a long term global goal to phase out fossil fuels by 2050.”
Greenpeace supports the rapid phase-out of coal and the development of a 100% renewable and efficient EU energy system by 2050. The EU’s climate commitments are an insufficient contribution to international efforts to limit global warming to less than 2°C and avoid the worst impacts of climate change. European countries should aim at increasing their climate pledges and agree, under the Paris agreement, to set in place a global mechanism to review and increase domestic emission reductions every five years.
Outside the meeting of environment ministers, environment groups [1] staged a symbolic ‘tug-of-war’ between polluting fossil fuels and renewable energy calling for EU governments to join the side of citizens and build a 100% renewable future.