26 October 2015
The Met Office is hosting the 'Get Ready for Winter' web pages on behalf of a range of Government departments and voluntary organisations.
The pages offer advice and links to a range of information to help individuals, families and communities prepare for every aspect of the winter season.
By taking simple steps, such as signing up to The Met Office's National Severe Weather Warning Service, members of the public can ensure they keep warm, healthy and safe this winter.
Oliver Letwin MP, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Cabinet Office, said: "The 'Get Ready for Winter' initiative will once again bring together a wide range of information about how, as individuals, we can be prepared for winter weather. I am grateful to the organisations who have contributed. I encourage everyone to be aware of winter weather warnings from the Met Office and to take heed of the advice about how to take responsibility for their own safety and to support those who are particularly vulnerable when bad weather strikes."
Phil Evans, Met Office Executive Director of Government Services said: "As Britain's National Weather Service we are committed to ensuring the public get the best information and guidance to help them stay safe this winter.
"These pages are designed to provide useful information that helps the UK public to be prepared and safe during the winter months, whatever the weather. We can't change the weather but we can help everyone make the most of it through our accurate forecasts and advice from our partners around the country."
Simon Lewis, Head of UK Emergency Planning & Response at the British Red Cross and Chair of the Voluntary Sector Civil Protection Forum said:
"Many don't realise the impact severe weather can have until it's too late. It is important that we provide communities and individuals with tools and information to help reduce vulnerability.
"Working together, the Government and voluntary sector provides the public with useful tips to help them prepare for winter weather and stay safe. Technology is also increasingly playing a role - our new free ER app is able to send out real time alerts, as well as advice on how to prepare for various different emergencies."
As the Met Office's new corporate Charity, the RNLI will also play a key part in the campaign, providing advice and information for people preparing for coastal walks and being at sea.
The Scottish Government's 'Ready for Winter' campaign also aims to raise awareness of the risks that winter can bring and how people and their communities can be more prepared during severe weather.
So how can you be more prepared for severe weather?
· Prepare your property and vehicle ahead of winter, and take responsibility for your own safety.
· Be aware of the latest weather forecasts and warnings from the Met Office.
· Be prepared to alter your plans in times of severe weather.
· Look after the elderly and more vulnerable in your community.