WWF statement on G20 Leaders Summit

16 November 2015
Antalya, Turkey

In response to the G20 Leaders Communiqué from the G20 Leaders Summit in Antalya, Turkey, WWF issued the following:

Samantha Smith, Leader of WWF International’s Global Climate and Energy Initiative, said:
“The G20 summit was a chance for the world’s leading greenhouse gas polluters to take immediate action to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies and move the world to a 100 per cent renewable energy future. Wealthy G20 countries could also have made more commitments on climate finance and technology access, both of which are essential for developing countries to cut emissions at scale and adapt to impacts. Unfortunately, those opportunities were missed.

“However, leaders did endorse the G20’s first ever plan on energy access. The plan, focused on sub-Saharan Africa, recognizes the importance of decentralized energy and mini-grids. We expect that it will speed up efforts to bring renewable, affordable and modern energy to the more than one billion people worldwide who lack energy access.

“Here in Antalya, leaders confirmed again that they will keep global temperature increases below 2°C compared to pre-industrial times. Between Antalya and Paris, leaders must find the will and the way to reduce global carbon emissions and increase climate finance in the immediate and longer terms. There is much work yet to be done to forge a new climate agreement that meets the world’s expectations and needs.

“We look now toward COP 21, where we hope that civil society, citizens and governments will show how people and nations can collaborate across borders to solve this pressing global problem.”

Adrian Dellecker, Head of WWF International Policy Research and Advocacy, said:
“Despite the inability of the G20 to make real progress on climate change, we are heartened that leaders have committed to implement the new 2030 Development Agenda agreed by all countries in September.

"Since the G20 cannot deliver economic and social prosperity on an environmentally bankrupt planet, WWF strongly welcomes the decision to integrate the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals into the G20’s work.”

WWF (World Wildlife Fund) Global