16 September 2016
Do you know of a fisheries project that could benefit from some extra funding?
Money for projects to improve local facilities will be made available through UK Fisheries Improvement Fund, which comes directly from rod licence sales.
The location of the project must be a fishery, and the project must benefit the environment. All projects should be fully managed and led by the applicant/organisation; projects that help to increase angling activity and participation are actively sought.
Applications to the fund are welcomed from clubs, trusts and organisations as well as commercial fisheries and land owners. Eligibility criteria and details about how to apply can be found at the Angling Trust’s dedicated Fishery Improvement Fund webpage .
Kye Jerrom, Team Leader Fisheries, UK Biodiversity and Geomorphology said:
“This fund is just one way we spend rod licence income with partners to support angling and improve the environment. I am looking forward to seeing the great results these projects will bring, especially those which encourage young people to try fishing”
Last year the Environment Agency spent £23k, on projects in Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire, which included creating new angling venues, reed beds, eco islands and planting trees.
If you have a project you would like to put forward, get in touch with the relevant consultative for your location via the Eastern Region forum :
•Upper Ouse Fisheries Consultative Association (UOFCA) covering Ouse from Brackley to St Ives
•Lower Ouse Fenland Fisheries Consultative Association (LOFFCA)