OSCE Stories, Real Lives: Serbia

23 September 2016
A Serbia for Everyone
The OSCE Mission to Serbia aims to make a significant contribution to improving the lives of people in Serbia, increasing gender equality, and strengthening the rights of minority groups like the Roma and Sinti. We also work to help create meaningful opportunities available for young people. These stories below, filmed in 2015, feature a few of the initiatives we've supported in order to promote human rights and democracy in Serbia.

Serbia's Office for Human and Minority Rights offers internships for members of the Roma national minority group thanks to a programme implemented by the OSCE Mission to Serbia and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The aim is to strengthen employment chances for young members of national minorities by giving them real experience in the workplace.

Priboj Youth Office supports young people through various activities. The OSCE Mission to Serbia has supported its project '7 days of the library', which dealt with multiculturalisam and multiethnicity, and the project 'Solar Academy', where young people learnt about renewable energy resources.

The Women's Forum of Prijepolje is women's NGO that deals with the empowerment of women and promotes gender equality throughout the media. The organization has realized numerous projects that were aimed at raising public awareness about gender equality, empowering women to participate in public and political life. A community TV station - Televizija Forum, has been in operation since 2008, thanks to the Women's Forum, and has received help and support from the OSCE Mission to Serbia.

Women who are victims of domestic violence often do not know where to seek for a help. The OSCE Mission to Serbia supports Impuls, an organization based in Tutin, which works on the development of a free and open society, achieving equality between men and women in all spheres of private and public life and on the prevention and countering of all forms of violence and discrimination.

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