August 18, 2017
Washington, D.C. — Today, Earthjustice said it would fight a Trump Administration attempt to stall adoption of standards to clean up air pollution in national parks and wilderness areas caused by power plants in Texas. The standards as proposed are projected to not only curb haze in parks, but also save almost 700 lives a year across 14 states. A court ordered consent decree secured by Earthjustice requires EPA to adopt final standards by September 9, 2017, but today the agency asked the court to delay that deadline until the end of 2018.
Earthjustice will strongly oppose the request on behalf of its clients in the case, including National Parks Conservation Association, Sierra Club, and Environmental Defense Fund.
“People should not have to breathe dirty air and see filthy skies when they go to a national park,” said Earthjustice attorney David Baron. “We will strongly oppose any more delay in protecting these majestic places from power plant pollution. EPA has had more than enough time to finalize the proposal.”
Air pollution from power plants contributes to heart and asthma attacks, chronic bronchitis, and premature deaths. If finalized, the EPA’s proposed standards for Texas power plants are projected to save hundreds of lives, prevent hundreds of hospital and emergency room visits, prevent tens of thousands of asthma attacks, and avoid more than 100,000 lost days of work.