25 MAY 2018, UN Environment Press Center
UN Environment and partners are seeking nominations for the third iteration of the Asia Environmental Enforcement Awards. The awards recognize excellence in enforcement by government officials and institutions/teams combating transboundary environmental crime, such as illegal trade in wildlife, chemicals or waste, in Asia.
This is the third time the Awards will be given, and this year’s Awards will be given to recipients who demonstrate excellence and leadership in one or more of the following four eligibility criteria areas: collaboration; impact; innovation; and integrity. For the first time, there will also be a separate award for gender leadership. The 2018 Awards are presented by UN Environment in partnership with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, INTERPOL, USAID, Freeland Foundation, and the Government of Sweden.
Why do we give these awards?
Transboundary environmental crime is a serious and growing problem in the region. Illegal trade in wildlife is the fourth largest illegal trade globally (after drugs, counterfeiting and human trafficking). It undermines food security, harms economies, devastates livelihoods, fuels terrorism, and compromises ecosystems on which humans depend. Asia also remains one of the world’s largest dumping grounds for illegally traded chemicals and waste. Millions of tonnes of hazardous waste and harmful chemicals are transported to and within Asia, having disastrous effects for human health and the environment. Public officials and institutions/teams working on environmental enforcement issues are on the front-line of efforts to combat transboundary environmental crime. The 2018 Awards will recognize and celebrate their critical role in doing so.