Improving Clinical Care and Patient Quality of Life in Advanced Liver Disease, d-LIVER Workshop, Milan, 27 May 2015

May 6th, 2015

The d-LIVER project announces a Showcase Workshop to introduce new technological solutions to improve clinical care and patient quality of life in advanced liver disease. 
d-LIVER has developed a home monitoring system for remote patient management and a bio-artificial liver support device. The home monitoring system will support patients with advanced liver disease using regular patient-led measurements of physiological parameters (including heart rate and blood pressure) and six blood biochemistry tests. An ICT-enabled system allows semi-automated optimisation of therapy with support from specialist clinicians, where required. It is envisaged that this system will allow the earlier detection of decompensation leading to improved clinical outcomes, improved patient quality of life and reduced costs of management.
The bio-artificial liver technology includes identification of a reliable and cost effective source of functional hepatocytes, derived from readily expandable progenitors, to carry out detoxification and other hepatic functions in an acute setting. A three-dimensional bioreactor will provide an environment in which these cells can be supported and monitored during the perfusion of serum from patients undergoing support.
The Workshop is designed to showcase the developed technologies and to learn how these new technologies might fit in to current and future clinical practice. It addresses liver specialists at large liver centres but also other interested healthcare specialists including general practitioners (GPs), technology integrators and developers, health service and health insurance representatives, and patient representatives. 


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