The Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), in Cooperation with the Kingdom of Bahrain, Hosts the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace: Promoting the Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience 





NEW YORK, NY—The Bell of World Peace and Love rang at the United Nations Headquarters for the first time on Sept. 28, 2018, at the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.


The event was organized by the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) in cooperation with the Kingdom of Bahrain to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to encourage all to work together for global sustainability and humanity's collective wellbeing. 


H.E. Shaikh Hussam bin Essa Al Khalifa, President of the Court of His Royal Highness the Prime Minister of Bahrain, and Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, had met multiple times exchanging ideas about love, peace, tolerance, and cultural diversity. Sharing the same vision of world peace, Bahrain and FOWPAL co-hosted an event of cultural exchange in New York last September, where H.E. Shaikh Hussam bin Essa Al Khalifa rang the Bell of World Peace and Love. Now, FOWPAL, in cooperation with Bahrain, hosted the summit to promote the culture of peace with love and conscience. At the start of the event, Dr. Hong especially expressed his most sincere gratitude for the support and assistance from the Court of H.R.H. the Prime Minister of Bahrain and the Permanent Mission of Bahrain to the UN. 


At the summit on Sept. 28, 2018, two visionary leaders rang the Bell: H.E. Mr. Waheed Mubarak Sayyar, Undersecretary of Regional and GCC Affairs of Bahrain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Julio B. Pujols, Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the UN. H.E. Mr. Waheed Mubarak Sayyar wished for “peace and love for all the world.” Mr. Pujols wished “for a world with no maladies, no weapons of mass destruction,” and wished love and peace to spread around the world, evil to disappear from the Earth, and happiness to be enjoyed by the whole world. 


The Bell has traveled across the planet, reaching out to every culture and every        community and spreading the energy of peace on significant occasions. Since 2000, the Bell has been rung by 310 influential leaders in 100 nations, including 38 heads of state and government, 7 Nobel Peace Prize laureates, UN ambassadors, and other visionary leaders. The Bell was also rung during the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held by the United Nations in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2002 and during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2012. Through the bell-ringing ceremonies, the bell ringers’ kind intentions for a better world were consolidated to inspire more people to promote the culture of peace with love and conscience in their nations and across the Earth.  


“A very simple organ, round-shaped bell like this can change the world if our hearts go with that sound, the sound of world peace and love,” said H.E. Mr. Taneti Maamau, President of the Republic of Kiribati, at the summit. This was the third year President Maamau attended the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace. He rang the Bell in the 2016 summit and delivered a speech in the 2017 summit. Then the Kiribati Mission and FOWPAL worked closely together to promote peace and co-hosted the World Peace and Love Conference at the UN Headquarters this April. In honor of President Maamau’s efforts in the promotion of peace, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, presented to President Maamau the World Peace and Love Award and a certificate of recognition during this year’s summit.


In addition to the bell ringing ceremony, the summit also featured visionary leaders’ sharing on promoting the culture of peace with love and conscience. Ms. Anna Tibaijuka, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, advocated, “If you want to promote love, peace, and prosperity, you have to make conscience our boss.” Dr. Babafemi Badejo, founder/CEO of Yintab Strategy Consults and former senior United Nations official, said, “Conscience is very very important in the promotion of peace.” 


 “Conscience is the root of all human kindness. It is the window to our souls and the origin of wisdom. It enables humans to attain inner peace, happiness, health, and security. It enables us to broaden our hearts and become compassionate," emphasized Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze. We need more governments like the Kingdom of Bahrain, which has been fostering peace, tolerance, and diversity, to work together with nongovernmental organizations to promote the culture of peace with love and conscience so that global peace, security, and prosperity will truly become a reality!







Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), leads a procession as the Bell of World Peace and Love makes its way for the first time to the United Nations to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Sept. 28, 2018. (Stuart Ramson/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), (second from right) uncovers the Bell of World Peace and Love as it arrives for the first time at the United Nations Headquarters for the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Sept. 28, 2018. (Stuart Ramson/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



Mr. Abdalla Abbas Hamad, Advisor to the Court of H.R.H. the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, addresses peace promoters at the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018.  (Stuart Ramson/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), delivers a speech on promoting the culture of peace with love and conscience at the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018. (Stuart Ramson/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



Pictured from left: Dr. Babafemi Badejo, Founder/CEO of Yintab Strategy Consults; Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL); Ms. Anna Tibaijuka, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations; and Mr. Abdalla Abbas Hamad, Advisor to the Court of H.R.H. the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bahrain, join hands to change the world with conscience, love, and positive energy at the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018. (Stuart Ramson/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



H.E. Waheed Mubarak Sayyar, Undersecretary of Regional and GCC Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain, rings the Bell of World Peace and Love at the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018. (Stuart Ramson/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze ( right), President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), presents the World Peace and Love Award to President Taneti Maamau of the Republic of Kiribati at the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018. (Diane Bondareff/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze (center), President of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), presents a scarf to President Taneti Maamau and the First Lady of the Republic of Kiribati at the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018. (Diane Bondareff/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



Mr. Julio B. Pujols, Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations, rings the Bell of World Peace and Love at the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on Sept. 28, 2018. (Diane Bondareff/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



Attendees of the World Leader Summit of Love and Peace make the sign of a dove, symbolizing spreading peace, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York during the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 28, 2018. (Diane Bondareff/AP Images for the Federation of World Peace and Love)



