VIENNA, 21 May 2016
OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today criticized the recent mass detentions of members of the media in Kazakhstan.
“I call on the authorities to release all members of the media who have been detained ahead of protests planned during the weekend,” Mijatović said.
Dozens of journalists have reportedly been detained across the country in cities including Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Djezkazgan, Karaganda, Shymkent and Uralsk. Among those detained are:
◾Vyacheslav Polovinko, special correspondent with Novaya Gazeta;
◾Murat Sultangaliev, correspondent with Ak Jayik;
◾Ermurat Bapi, of newspaper DAT- Obschestvennaya Pozitsiya;
◾Tamara Eslyamova, chief editor of Ural'skaya Nedelya;
◾Toktarali Tanjaryk, editor of Dala Men Kala;
◾Vladimir Tretyakov, photo reporter;
◾Zhanna Baitelova, freelance reporter
◾Makhmoud Baikhodjiev and Artem Miusov, correspondents with;
◾Elena Ulyankina, correspondent with Novy Vestnik;
◾Irina Sevostyanova, journalist with Vlast’ portal;
◾Anara Bekbasova, journalist with;
◾Botagoz Omarova, Aiman Sagatai, Aleksandra Tirtishets, crew from 101 TV;
Among the detained were also correspondents of Interfax Kazakhstan, ITAR TASS and Russia Today. Although identifying themselves with press identification cards, the members of the media were detained and also brought to police stations where some of them had their fingerprints taken.
“I call on the authorities to immediately stop the practice of mass detentions of members of the media, a practice that has an enormous chilling effect on media freedom and safety of journalists in the country,” Mijatović said.
The Representative noted reports that some of the detained journalists have been released.