WWF responds to Brazil's plans to reduce emissions

28 September 2015

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff announced the country’s climate plan in line with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) call for voluntary commitments from countries.

Brazil, the world’s seventh largest greenhouse gas emitter, is one of the largest developing countries to announce their climate plans (called Intended Nationally Determined Contributions in the UNFCCC).

Responding to the announcement, Samantha Smith, leader of WWF’s Global Climate and Energy Initiative said Brazil was not alone in falling short of committing what was needed to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees Celsius.

“Brazil has made a significant contribution to strengthening global climate efforts by adopting a transparent and absolute target. They have committed to meet the target with their own resources and to do more if international support is forthcoming. By adopting five-year target periods that allow a regular ratcheting up process, Brazil has set a high standard that should help create momentum for a strong outcome in Paris and beyond,” she said.

WWF-Brazil Secretary General Carlos Nomoto said the target announced by Rousseff was not a total surprise to those following the domestic debate in Brazil but that it was more positive than expected.

“For WWF-Brazil, an ambitious target would be below 1 billion tonnes of emissions by 2030. There are several positive elements of Brazil's proposal which should put pressure on other countries to raise their game, such as adoption of an absolute economy-wide reduction target, a commitment to meet its target with or without international support, and its commitment to expanding its energy generation from wind, solar and biofuel resources."

World Wildlife Fund