Astronet – Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap for Europe

20 Oct 2021


Over the last year, a number of expert panels have been working on draft sections of a new Science Vision and Infrastructure Roadmap for European Astronomy, created by Astronet.

Astronet is a consortium of European funding agencies and community bodies, originally funded by the EU, which produced the original Science Vision and Roadmap in 2008 and its revision in 2015. It includes as observers ESA, SKAO and ESO as a full member, along with the European Astronomical Society.


The Science Vision aims to deliver a statement on the current status of our science, along with the needs for its future development; to inform those who fund and direct this exciting and important science area within Europe.

The report is organized by science areas, with one panel covering Understanding the Solar System and Conditions for Life and another the Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems. There are two cross-cutting chapters on computing and on societal aspects ( skills, sustainability, public engagement, diversity).


While the drafts have been available on the Astronet web site since the Spring for comment and there has been a community Webinar, we have not seen much comment from the Planetary Community. The aim is to publish the report by Easter 2022, so there is still time to comment and your views are really important to ensure the outcomes are inclusive and representative.


Europlanet Society