ESO and the DSI (Deutsches SOFIA Institut) offer a joint teacher training on "Infrared Astronomy"

19 Sep 2021


ESO in Garching near Munich and DSI at the University of Stuttgart have joined forces to host a two-day virtual teacher training on infrared astronomy.  Experts from DSI and ESO will present the fields of research, unique capabilities and technical challenges of airborne (SOFIA) and ground-based (ESO) observatories. A live stream to SOFIA in Palmdale, USA and a virtual tour of the ESO telescopes on Cerro Paranal, Chile are planned. Besides sharing current results from astronomy research and engineering, a workshop will demonstrate how real SOFIA data can be evaluated in the classroom.

At the end of the training, an outlook into the future will be given: the Extremely Large Telescope of ESO and the development study of a balloon telescope for infrared astronomy will be introduced. In order to ensure a stimulating and rewarding training, the number of participants is limited to 40. In case of high demand, the training will be offered again at another date. 


Target group: All teachers involved in teaching science in the classroom.

Date (two days):

  • 15. October 2021 from 2:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m
  • 16. October 2021 from 9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Location: virtual via Webex



Infrared/visible light comparison view of the Helix Nebula


European Southern Observatory
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