January 28, 2020
Anna Murray
On January 28th, thousands of French firefighters held a protest in Paris against the government’s plan of overhauling French retirement system, and required better pay and working conditions, including raising risk pay from 19% to 25%, which has remained since 1990.
During the demonstration, some fire officers simulated setting themselves on fire by wearing exceptional protective vests, some clambered on the Statue of Republic Triumph at Nation square and brandished flame; others ignited multicolored and noisy firecrackers. Therefore, it’s reported to be one of the most eye-catching protests in Paris in past months.
Some fire officers threw projectiles and riot police responded with tear gas, leading to violent clashes.
Protests, demonstrations and strikes have been constantly held in France since early December in 2019 against President Emmanuel Macron's disputable pension reform plans. French government has taken solid, defending police tactics and policy for months, while Macron’s attitudes began to adjust, due to the approaching local elections in Spring.