Marvels of the Night Sky: the Mistery of Stars


Join us for an awe-inspiring journey through the night sky with "Marvels of the Night Sky: the Mistery of Stars", a film by North American nature and wildlife photographer St. Charles. This documentary will air on Global People Daily News (GPDN) Channel's nature documentary series on 1, September at GMT 15:00 PM. Together, let's chase the meteor showers!


Summer is the season for stargazing, especially in August, when numerous meteor showers grace the sky. The Perseid meteor shower peaks around the nights of August 11 and 12 but is visible from July 17 to August 21. You don't need any special equipment, just your eyes to catch the meteors.


On clear, moonless nights, away from light pollution, you can also see the Milky Way in the brightest part of the sky. If you are lucky, you might witness both the Perseid meteor shower and the Northern Lights simultaneously!


If you find yourself captivated by stargazing, consider checking out your local astronomy club. Many clubs host star parties, gathering in dark sky locations to share food, telescopes, and their passion for the night sky. It's a great way to learn more about astronomy, the night sky, and planets, and even make new friends.


St. Charles reflects, "When I look at the stars, I think about how rare and precious life is in the universe. I believe humanity is gradually becoming more respectful and kind towards each other. I hope that over time, our respect and care will expand to encompass all life, ultimately helping to spread the gift of life throughout the universe."


What do you think of when you look up at the stars?