圖:12月7日在華府舉辦的「The Tai Ji Men Case」國際記者會,揭露台灣政府縱容少數官員貪腐真相,長達25年的太極門假案是台灣延續威權遺毒、迫害人權的指標性案件。
美國在12月9日、10日召開全球「民主峰會」,邀請了約110個國家及地區領袖、公民社會組織等,包含台灣。美國總統拜登開幕致辭指出,全球自由正受到尋求擴大權力、輸出影響力和為打壓辯護的專制政體的威脅。BBC NEWS中文網12月10日以「首屆『民主峰會』舉行:中美針鋒相對的『民主』之爭」為題報導,指出台灣派出駐美代表蕭美琴和行政院政委唐鳳參加峰會,北京未受邀請,峰會被觀察將為美中角力再掀波瀾。
民主峰會前夕,12月7日在華府舉辦的「The Tai Ji Men Case」國際記者會,揭露台灣政府縱容少數官員貪腐真相,學者稱為法稅228的太極門假案,是台灣延續威權遺毒、迫害人權的指標性案件。新興宗教研究中心創辦人暨理事長Dr. Massimo Introvigne教授從義大利專程前來與會,以身為台灣國際友人角度提出中肯建議。「我們正處在一個歷史時刻,台灣需要國際朋友的最大支持。」「但是這種支持的前提要件是台灣將自家的事情處理好。擺脫過去威權主義的幽靈,解決威權時期造成的問題,解決威權過去所造成的案件。」發生於1996年的太極門假案,遭到刑、稅迫害至今25年,仍未獲得最終正義。
Massimo從國際人權高度剖析台灣當前問題,深入淺出剖析貪腐對人民與國家造成的嚴重傷害。特別刊登Dr. Massimo Introvigne在華府國際記者會總結的建言與中文翻譯:
We ask you and those following us by zoom or Youtube to be here today for a very important human rights case.
It’s now (been) several years, I have spoken in various forms during the international human rights events and academic conferences about the Tai Ji Men case. And I am always afraid that some misunderstanding may happen, because I fully understand it could be a logical reaction, to say that’s a very complicated Taiwanese tax law, so let’s take it to Taiwanese lawyers, and they should solve it. But that’s a total misunderstanding. It is not, and it never was a pure tax case.
As we said, it’s on two accounts a human rights case. First, it's a human rights case because the first human right is “freedom of religion or belief”. This case started in 1996, then there was a massive denial of freedom of religion or belief in the past authoritarian Taiwanese context, whatever happened in subsequent years derives from this fundamental violation of freedom of religion and belief and continues to be, to this very day, a violation of freedom of religion or belief.
As Willy Fautre said, it is also a violation of human rights because it's a case of administrative corruption. As the United Nations has recognized, corruption is a violation of human rights, because it prevents citizens from enjoying their human rights. So it’s a serious problem of corruption even the US state department states in yearly human rights reports, they praise Taiwan in many accounts, and rightly so. But they said Taiwan has a problem of bureaucratic corruption. It should solve it. And the Tai Ji Men case is a case where human rights of the Tai Ji Men community were violated through corruption.
如同人權無國界組織主席Willy Fautre所說,這是一個因行政腐敗而導致人權侵害的案件。聯合國已經承認,貪腐即是侵害人權,因為貪腐會阻礙公民享受人權,所以這是一個嚴重的腐敗問題,即使是美國國務院在年度人權報告中有很多讚揚台灣的地方,當然這是正確的;但他們也說台灣有官僚腐敗的問題,應該要解決。而太極門案,正是太極門這個群體的人權因腐敗而受到侵犯的案件。
Because if it is a pure tax case, that's something to be solved by Taiwanese lawyers, why bother to come to Washington DC and discuss this case? Well, the answer is precisely, because it is not primarily and certainly it is not exclusively a tax case, it’s a case of human rights.
It is an established and recognized principle that it is the right and duty of the international community to protect the human right, and it’s needed that international community takes an interest as it is doing as it takes a stand in the violation of the Tai Ji Men human rights in Taiwan.
Let me conclude with a personal remark.
I am a Italien and in Italy we have an expression of a dialogue of deaf people. Two deaf people try to talk to each other, but they cannot have a dialogue. So in this case, we have on the one hand, the Tai Ji Men dizi, many Taiwanese scholars from the leading universities, they are not dizi but they have written about this case, and growingly, dozens of international scholars and human rights activists who have participated in conferences and seminars and webinars about the TJM case, and they all say, look, it's a question of freedom of religion or belief and it's a question of human rights. And on the other hand, we have the Taiwanese authorities, which said sorry, but for the year 1992, the statute of limitation has expired so there is nothing we can do. But this is false.
以下就我的個人觀察做結論:我是義大利人,在義大利我們有個說法「聾人之間的對話」。兩個聾人嘗試互相交談,但他們怎麼樣就是無法對話。在太極門案中,一方面,太極門弟子、很多台灣一流大學的頂尖學者,他們不是弟子但寫了案件的相關文章;及越來越多的、幾十位國際專家學者、人權活動人士透過會議、研討會和線上論壇談論太極門案,大家都說: 看,這是涉及宗教信仰和自由的問題,也是個人權問題。但另一方面,台灣當局卻說: 抱歉,但針對1992年度訴訟時效已經過期,我們無能為力。但這並非事實。
Because it's an internationally recognized principle that when gross violations of human rights are acknowledged, the situation should always be rectified. And if there is no administrative remedy, there is always a political remedy.We live in an historical moment when Taiwan needs maximum support from its international friends.But the precondition for this support to be effective is for Taiwan to put its own house in order. And get rid of this ghost of its authoritarian past, settle the scores of the authoritarian past and solve the cases coming from the authoritarian past.
And today, the biggest score to be settled, one generating the most massive domestic and international protest is the TJM case. So I come back to where I started from. It is not because we are against Taiwan, it's the contrary, is because we are friends of Taiwan and we want to protect Taiwan in a moment of need. We ask Taiwan, please get rid of this problem, which is damaging you in a crucial historical moment. For you, get rid of this problem. Get rid of your bad past, walk in the path of democracy and solve the TJM case. Thank you.
圖:新興宗教研究中心理事長Dr. Massimo Introvigne教授以台灣國際友人角度建議台灣,擺脫過去威權主義的幽靈,解決威權過去所造成的案件。