1 Apr 2021
The IAU has released the proceedings of the inaugural AstroEdu Conference, which was held from 16 to 18 September 2019 at the ESO Supernova in Garching, Munich, Germany. Comprising 21 complete papers and 101 abstracts from 81 authors, the proceedings record the rich variety of topics that were presented and discussed during the conference. These topics span a range of endeavours around the world that foster student engagement in learning through astronomy.
The conference brought together astronomers, astronomy education researchers and education practitioners to communicate, discuss and tackle common issues. The three key themes covered theoretical research as well as practical research into issues that are often encountered when attempting to apply research results to real-world situations. The conference also provided an opportunity for the community to discuss the changes seen in astronomy education as a result of the IAU Strategic Plan 2010–2020, and to discuss how to meet the next IAU Strategic Plan goals regarding astronomy education.
A pivotal outcome of the discussions at AstroEdu 2019 was the establishment of a peer-reviewed journal focusing on astronomy education. Building on the foundations laid by Astronomy Education Review (2001–2013) and Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education (2014–present), the Astronomy Education Journal (AEJ) has now been officially launched and is accepting papers. The editors hope to release the first edition in summer 2021. The AEJ aims to be a key publication in astronomy education for researchers and practitioners around the world. It will provide a platform for practical, newsworthy and scholarly publications, both peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed, on developments in the field.
In light of the enthusiasm and support from the community, IAU Commission C1 will seek to hold a regular AstroEdu Conference once every two or three years, building on the experiences, insights and feedback from AstroEdu 2019. The conference will not be held in the same year as the Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP) Conference or the IAU General Assembly. Depending on the evolving COVID-19 situation, the next AstroEdu Conference is being considered for 2023, to be held in Toronto, Canada.