ESO Supernova temporary closure in November

29 Oct 2020


In line with government COVID-19 restrictions for November 2020, the ESO Supernova Planetarium & Visitor Centre has to close from Monday 2 November until at least end of November. To avoid new bookings which may need to be cancelled, we have blocked the possibility to make new reservations for showings taking place until the end of 2020 and for 2021.


Customers with existing bookings between 4 – 29 November:

If you have bought tickets during this period, you will receive an email explaining how you can claim a gift voucher for a later visit. The email has been sent to the same email address you made the reservation with. Please check also your spam folder. If you have not received this email, please write to with your reservation code and the information about your booking.

If you should have further questions, please email


We are sorry for the disappointment and ask for your understanding in the current circumstances.

We wish you all well and look forward to seeing you again in the future.


European Southern Observatory