2 Jun 2021
Eligible companies from Lithuania can now submit applications to ESA’s Global Space Markets Challenge. The competition’s application deadline for all participants has been extended to 30 June 2021 (23:59 CEST).
Lithuania’s new status as an ESA Associate Member means Lithuanian companies which meet the competition’s eligibility criteria are now able to apply to the Challenge. A revision of the competition’s General Terms and Conditions has been issued by ESA.
The Global Space Markets Challenge was launched on 10 May and is intended to be a springboard into international markets for small promising space-based companies in Europe, specialised in upstream and downstream activities.
Six small and medium-sized companies including start-up companies, presenting the most promising and convincing plans to take their products and/or services to chosen international target markets will win prizes and promotion opportunities. This includes the chance to showcase their business at the 72nd International Astronautical Congress, expected to take place in Dubai from 25–29 October 2021, and to win mentorship prizes of up to €15 000.
All entrants should meet the criteria set out in the General Terms and Conditions of the competition and send in their applications to ESA by 30 June 2021.
Italy, Alps and Mediterranean