Come see SUN! (05.04.2022 – 24.04.2022)

7 Mar 2022---------------heic 2202




Marvel at the beauty of our closest star with this lifelike representation of the sun. A 3D projection with state-of-the-art telescope images on a gigantic hanging 6-meter diameter balloon shows 10 weeks of the life of our Sun. Smoke and sound effects complete the unique experience. This spectacular piece of light art brings you closer to the sun than you’ve ever been before.

SUN is an installation by British artist Alex Rinsler and solar expert Prof. Robert Walsh (University of Central Lancashire). With this installation in the AfricaMuseum, in cooperation with the Solar-Terrestrial Centre of Excellence (STCE) in Uccle, the spectacular artwork is shown outside the United Kingdom for the very first time.


The Sun and the climate

The Sun determines life and climate on this globe. The climate is changing due to human activity. Climate change is one of the greatest challenges humanity is facing. The AfricaMuseum and the STCE conduct world-leading research on the Sun and the climate on Earth. The installation in the permanent exhibition of the AfricaMuseum highlights some of this research.

The AfricaMuseum presents projects on the impact of tropical rainforests on the climate, and on the impact of climate change on the spread of tropical diseases and natural hazards such as landslides. The STCE studies long-term variations of the Sun that affect Earth’s climate. The difference between solar radiation that strikes the Earth and the radiation that is sent back into space, is the key to climate change.


Family Sunday

On Sunday, April 10, inspired storytellers will bring African and Scandinavian stories about the Sun to children and slightly older Sun-lovers. Take a seat by the light artwork and dive into the world of aardvarks, bats and the northern lights during one of the storytelling moments.
Registration is done on site.


Practical information

  • 05.04-24.04.2022
  • Installation in the permanent exhibition of the AfricaMuseum (Kleine Rotonde)
  • Free (with admission ticket to the museum)
  • Website


Meet&Greet for press

  • (online) interview with the artist and/or scientists 

If you would like to know more about the inspiration for this piece of light art, or rather dig into the scientific projects, please contact our press office. They can schedule an (online) interview with the artist and with scientists involved in the proposed research.

  • Press visit of the installation

A private visit of the light installation is possible for members of the press, with the opportunity to take photos.


Royal Observatory of Belgium